iTech Knowhow began life with a simple vision.

to become the first choice for delivering technology expertise and leadership to small and mid-sized businesses.

After working with businesses we are aware that small and mid-sized companies often don’t have (or don’t really want) IT Directors. This results in both an operational and strategic gap relating to the use of technology; not having access to the level of experience, expertise and knowhow larger business are able to attract. To attract the top 1% of IT leaders is expensive and is difficult for smaller businesses to justify. A better solution to get the very best IT Directors quickly and affordably into small and mid-sized businesses is to use part-time Directors. Not particularly a new concept, but one that works well for IT leadership.

We don’t operate like a traditional ‘agency’ where candidates’ CVs are sent to CEOs and CFOs who quite often find it hard and frustrating to get through the technical qualities needed. We cut through this by using our technical knowhow to place professional leaders with the required experience working within our clients’ business sector and also with the knowledge to work strategically and tactically delivering whatever is needed by their business in your language. The Technology Leaders working with iTech Knowhow are part of our team; being fully managed and joined up with the rest of the business. This encourages our leaders to have a stronger relationship with our clients, to care about your business and also remained focused on your success and growth.

Following the Covid-19 pandemic many of the best IT Directors wanted to alter how they manage their work-life balance and had begun a trend working as portfolio Directors on a part-time basis. So, early in 2023, we decided that it was the time to start to make the change and to bring these expert IT Directors, CIOs and CTOs to you.

Our mission

to supply quality technology experts on a part-time or interim basis, able to properly fit with our clients’ businesses and cultures, always delivering world class results and providing unrivalled technology value.

Although we work on a fractional basis, it is important to us that we have a long term relationship with our clients. Unlike our competition we do not supply contractors who come in, do a job and leave. With iTech Knowhow we strive to gain your trust in order to become your long term partner (even if only used occasionally).