We really want to ensure you get the very best service and value from us and aim to make our engagement process as painless and efficient as possible.

S T E P 1. Contact us

Just give us a call or use the contact us form.
A quick chat to discover your concerns and the challenges you’re faced with and how we can help.
Call: 01527 386700 or
request a callback here

S T E P 2. We meet

We’ll meet at your convenience to identify the best Director to place.
We’ll organise a visit in order to get a better understanding of your business. Discover some of the technologies and systems you use and the products and services you offer. Understand your teams, how they operate and the culture of your business.

S T E P 3. We evaluate

Prepare the plan.
One of our principles, chosen based on your industry and requirements, will begin a more detailed review and put an action plan together. This is where you and the Principle will get to know each other and If you are not completely satisfied at this point you can cancel immediately at no cost.

S T E P 4. Working with you

Action the plan.
Following the evaluation and having produced an outline of your goals, objectives and timelines, we’ll present this to you and begin a contract. Our contracts are flexible and we have no lengthy tie-ins.
Our contract can be scaled as you see fit and cancelled with little notice.