Many businesses have to manoeuvre quickly to be able to compete and make the best business decisions, and responding to changes quickly is important to give you an edge. No matter what industry you operate in, all businesses have access to large amounts of data which could be used to gain better business insights. Most businesses attempt to gather information but fail to join up technology with their people resulting is manually gathered information presented through Microsoft Excel.

Business Intelligence (BI) allows organisations, by presenting data into an interpretable structure using technology with your own business experience, to quickly make informed decisions gaining a competitive advantage often in real time.

Improved Reporting

Your data is often dispersed in many areas throughout the business and BI allows that data to be gathered together and represented in a way which is easier to understand. Typically, a BI system will allow for many data sources and contain tools for grouping that data together, allowing your users to drill down through that data in a ways tools such as Microsoft Excel cannot do as easily. The integration of your data is normally automated and views are created to represent trends and insights without the need for otherwise laborious manual processes to put it together. Data “Views” or “Data Visualisation” are used to display information in a graphical form such as interactive graphs or maps etc to make the the information more engaging as easier for us to understand..

In real time

It is typical that reports are produced by your team to summarise key performances, activities, trends and business insights but without using BI the information is often weeks out of date by the time you see it. A normal part of BI is to automate data into it in (almost) real time allowing trends to be spotted instantly or problems identified before they have a severe impact.

Better Marketing

A business intelligence system can enable your marketing team to create better marketing campaigns that provide better Return on investment by providing them convenient ways to access your data. Whether this is regarding current and past campaigns or key metrics such as customer acquisition cost, cost per lead, click-through rates of campaigns, and many other crucial metrics required for a successful marketing campaign.

for a better business operation

BI can enable you to understand many other things too; Employee productivity, revenue, profit margins, sales by regions, departmental performance and more. It can help uncover strengths and weaknesses relating to your business processes and operational functions. You can also set up alerts to track key metrics that matter the most to your organisation.

How we help

Our Directors can help by offering the best BI solutions for your business. We know data, how it should be constructed and organised. We’ll work with your own business experts to discover the areas BI would be most suited for. They can also drive its delivery and implementation into your business.