Many business have processes which are manual or inefficient, don’t give value or don’t offer the best user/customer experience.
The practice of business process improvement is a continuous task to be able to get the most from them. Typically, it involves removing flaws or introducing innovation to create a better way of doing things or to deliver a better product or service.

Your processes have operating procedures and steps using best practices to govern their operation. By reviewing and properly understanding these procedures will give great business value by the way of reducing costs or improving the service or product provided.

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is when we take a process and use technology to improve it. We have a term called “Digital Maturity” which we at iTech Knowhow apply a score to, in order to establish how good a business is at using technology within its organisation.

Change Control

Typically, change is hard for people, they don’t like it and managing change within a business is crucial if the business is going to grow. However, it should not be taken lightly, an inexperienced leader will often fail in controlling change in an organisation so it’s really important to have someone leading it who have plenty of experience.

Goals for business process improvement

Our Directors will firstly establish a goal or number of goals to achieve from a particular improvement by working with your teams and process owners. This involves mapping out the processes to identify which goals are achievable and should be targeted. Our leadership skills will reduce the effort of performing this as their experience remain focused, reduce the desire to focus on unachievable or impractical improvements. We then devise of strategies and improvements to be made with your teams’ expert knowledge to produce a plan. Normally, this results in the output of a few documents, one describing the current process and one describing the new process (or improvement).

  • Improving the quality of your product or service.
  • Speeding up the processing time required.
  • Reducing the cost.
  • Instilling better employee engagement.
  • Creating better customer experiences.
  • Meeting a legislative requirement.

Follow a “Joined Up” approach

The kind of things we look at when improving processes are not always about technology, but often are, and by adopting a joined up approach with your business teams produces much better results, a deeper understanding and buy-in from the people who operate them.

How we help

Our Principal Directors are not just skilled technologists, but having worked in many businesses and industries for a long time, also have the business experience and leadership skills to guide the wider business teams towards a successful, robust and scalable operation. Working closely with your senior management, our Directors will help join up the teams and offer technology solutions where appropriate to achieve the very best results.