What is cyber security?

Cyber security is how organisations reduce the risk of attacks on their data and their systems.
Cyber security’s core function is to protect the devices you use to run your business including smartphones, laptops, tablets and personal computers, and all of the services we access from theft or damage.
It’s also about preventing unauthorised access to the vast amounts of important information we store on these devices and online.

Why is it important?

Cyber security is important because computing in today’s businesses is fundamental to ensuring continuous and efficient operation. If you lost access to your email, for instance, you could probably live without it for a few days, but loosing access to your ERP or CRM could prevent you trading.

Not many days go by without hearing of some business being hacked or held to ransom. A Cyber Security plan and strategy is important even at the most basic levels. A virus infecting an unsuspecting member of staff’s computer could take down the entire business technology estate, preventing all computers from working, stopping your email and any other critical processes handled by your systems.

Not only that, but if hackers take data such as your customers’ email addresses, their payment details, your banking details etc. the consequences are often costly. So getting expert advice and systems in place to minimise the risks around cyber security is a very important consideration.

At the very least you should follow a few basic practices.

We all follow a few basic rules in our lives relating to security. When we leave our car in a car park we would naturally lock it and ensure the windows are wound up. When we leave our homes empty we would arm our alarm system. We may install cameras and door entry security to our premises but sadly, cyber security is commonly not taken seriously enough and this is often simply because we cannot see the physical threat.

Alarmingly though, it can be surprisingly easy for a competent cyber criminal to access insecure systems. iTech Knowhow can help manage the risks by advising on getting the basics right. If nothing else, you should adopt a baseline in cyber security controls. Often, these basic controls are simply a set of best practices your people should be thinking about such as avoiding opening suspicious emails, turning off blue tooth when not needed, ensuring you have anti-virus and anti-malware protecting your systems, keeping your software up to date, using secure passwords and/or using 2-factor Authentication where possible etc.

It’s also important to periodically remind your staff of the basic measures they should be following, even delivering some basic training and following up with security tests and questionnaires.

Taking cyber security seriously

Taking cyber security seriously has a few additional benefits in that you will not only have piece of mind yourself, but it will show your customers that you are taking security seriously.

We cannot stop 100% of attacks from cyber criminals in the same way you cannot stop a burglar breaking into your premises, but we can minimise the risks and make it harder or less likely for them to attack you. Often, if you’re harder to attack they will go for an easier target.

Ways we can help with cyber security

  • Awareness – Build best practice with your wider teams and ensure it is being followed.
  • Assessment – Help perform a security audit, establishing the areas of threat.
  • Prevention – Enabling the appropriate protection systems for your business.
  • Ensuring that you comply with the legal requirements.
  • Employing an ethical “White Hat” hacker to identify the security flaws.
  • Penetration Testing – Performing external security scans on your network.
  • Identifying non-malicious threats such as human error or employee negligence.

How we help